For a unique and intimate experience with waterfowl and
other birds, visit George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary west of Ladner,
British Columbia.
Reifel Refuge, as it’s called by many, is a 300-hectare (740-acre) plot of land on
Westham Island on the Fraser River, about an hour’s drive from the metropolis
of Vancouver. George Reifel bought the land in 1927 and established a family
recreational retreat on it, creating waterfowl habitats as well as road access
by a series of dikes and causeways.
In the 1960s, the Reifel family granted a lease to the
British Columbia Waterfowl Society to create a bird sanctuary on the land.
Helped by the management of Ducks Unlimited Canada, wildlife habitat was
preserved and expanded with the provincial government establishing a game
reserve on adjacent land. In 1972, the family further donated and sold the land
to the federal government on the condition that it would be maintained as a
The government designated part of the sanctuary and the area
adjacent to it, some 328 hectares, as the Alaksen National Wildlife Area. Some
activities are permitted on this land but not the free access to the public
that characterizes the sanctuary.
The sanctuary charges a nominal entrance fee and is open
from 9 am to 4 pm every day. Sometimes it has quite large crowds, not a place
to go if you want to get away from people for your nature experience. However,
the high density of humans day after day is what has conditioned the birds to
be as unafraid of us as they are.
The sanctuary was set up for waterfowl, and there is always
a good representation of local waterfowl species, both dabbling and diving
ducks. Large numbers of Snow Geese migrate through the adjacent wetlands, some
of them remaining for the winter, and mostly those will be seen overhead moving
between feeding areas. All the ducks present are somewhat used to people and
will furnish close viewing and great photo opportunities.
Because of all the feeders and seeds, rats and mice and
Eastern Gray Squirrels (including the black morph, established in the Vancouver
area) are also attracted to the area, and the local owls know it. A pair of
Great Horned Owls is regularly seen, and there are always Northern Saw-whet
Owls present, if very hard to see in the dense foliage where they roost. Other
species of owls are seen from time to time, and there are usually hawks and
falcons about, interested in the songbirds as well as the rodents.
You can buy sunflower seeds at the office and carry them
around to feed to whichever birds you like. You may give them all to
chickadees, as there is something wonderful about one of these tiny birds
landing on your hand. You may be attacked by Mallards before you barely get
going onto the trail, and Mallards are the most abundant and insistent ducks in
the place. But look closely, and among the Mallards there will be at least a
few American Wigeons and a few Northern Pintails.
More than these, there are Wood Ducks scattered around the
area, and they too are interested in handouts if they can get to them before
the omnipresent Mallards. They are shy enough that you’ll have to seek them
out, but one way to feed them is to put seeds on top of fence posts, which the
Wood ducks—tree dwellers that they are—can easily get to. Of course they have
to beat the chickadees and Song Sparrows to them.
Dennis Paulson