Mammal watching has never achieved the popularity of bird watching for at least one reason: most mammals are nocturnal. Not only are most of them small and brown, but you can’t even see them! Mammalogists survey mammals by trapping them, netting them, looking for their tracks and scat, etc. Their survey methods don’t usually include walking around with a pair of binoculars on a nice, sunny day in spring.
But there are exceptions. Some mammals are much more visible than others, primarily because they are diurnal. These include many of the large grazing and browsing hoofed mammals (ungulates), the cute pikas of western mountains, and the squirrels. The Pacific Northwest is abundantly provided with squirrels, encompassing the taxonomic range of the squirrel family: flying squirrels, tree squirrels, ground squirrels, marmots, and chipmunks.
Chipmunks come close to being birdwatchers’ mammals. They are active during the day, with an emphasis on the “active,” they are brightly marked, they are territorial, they vocalize frequently, and they come readily to bird feeders. They vary from very shy to very inquisitive, even tame where they encounter people regularly. They are still basically brown, but their conspicuous stripes make them easily recognizable as chipmunks.
These small squirrels are usually associated with rock piles and fallen logs, where they nest. They forage on the ground and in shrubs, sometimes ascending well up into the trees. Hyperactivity describes them best, as they move jerkily along with tail cocked up into the air. When disturbed, they dart into cover, appearing some distance away for another look at the disturbance.
Basically seed eaters, chipmunks will take anything that comes along, including fruits, fungi, and arthropods. They are accomplished nest robbers. taking bird eggs whenever they can find them. During the fall, they busily gather seeds in cheek pouches and cache them in their protected nests. They can then hole up for the winter and feast on these caches without leaving their protected shelter. Caches can contain tens of thousands of seeds.

The Red-tailed Chipmunk (Tamias ruficaudus) looks about like the Yellow-pine but is slightly larger and longer tailed, and the tail is more intense reddish below. It occurs in the mountains of far northeastern Washington, in Stevens, Pend Oreille, and northern Spokane counties. Its habitat zone is the montane conifer forest and open subalpine zone above that, mostly above the elevation range of the Yellow-pine.
This species would not have been separated from the Yellow-pine but for its copulatory organ. Rodents have a bony structure in the penis called the baculum, and this structure differs among different species of chipmunks. That of the Red-tailed is distinctly longer than that of the Yellow-pine. I have not read of any structural characteristics that differentiated the females!
The largest Washington chipmunk is the Townsend’s (Tamias townsendii), restricted to the forested western lowlands and similar dense habitats up to treeline in the Olympics and Cascades. It occurs in both forested and open (e.g., clear cuts) microhabitats. It is not found in the more open ponderosa pine woodlands below the wet conifer forests on the east side. In addition to being larger and darker, not as brightly marked, it differs from all the other species in not having a clearly defined dark stripe extending from nose to eye. This and the Yellow-pine often occur together in ecotones between open alpine or ponderosa pine habitat on one side and dense conifer forest on the other. Washington Pass is one such location.
Finally, the Least Chipmunk (Tamias minimus) is restricted to sagebrush habitats in the southern part of the Columbia Basin. It is a smaller species, generally paler and grayer than the others, with the back stripes brown instead of blackish and very little reddish or brown color anywhere. It overlaps with Yellow-pine where sagebrush, grassland, and ponderosa pine come together. Least Chipmunks occur at higher densities than the other species, and one place to see this is at the Ryegrass rest stop east of Ellensburg on eastbound I-90. It is full of Least Chipmunks most of the year, gathering by the dozens at the feast of sunflower seeds put out by DOT employees.
There is also a pair of chipmunk lookalikes in Washington. The Cascade Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus saturatus) is found throughout the Cascades, in both semiopen conifer forest and alpine meadows. The Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus lateralis) occurs in similar habitats in the Blue Mountains and, less commonly, the mountain ranges east of the Okanogan River. Both are larger than chipmunks, with an unstriped golden-orange head. Most ground squirrels eat leaves rather than seeds, but these species are more chipmunk-like in their diet.
Great photographs and info.
I am guilty of sometimes taking chipmunks and other squirrels for granted while I am out hiking. I should keep in mind how unusual it is to see mammals out and about in broad daylight.
I look forward to doing some serious sciurid-watching in the near future. Thanks!
can anyone tell me if chipmunks feast on flowerbed plants such as hosta and caladiums?
My granddaughter and I just spotted a CHIPMUNK in our backyard in Renton. Usually only see them closer to the mountains. My neighbor has been wondering what has been digging holes in the soft dirt of her garden.
Chipmunks are all over the place in washington. Tons of them in the trees behind Safeway on main street in Puyallup Wa.
We believe we at have brought a critter home in our Christmas tree this year. We got a Noble that I'm told came in from the Centralia area. Whatever it is has to be on the smaller side (chipmunk??) because it stayed under the radar for a couple days and now we think has left the tree and is in the house somewhere. Any ideas what it might be and best way to catch it?
Thanks, this was useful. If the lack of stripe leading from the eye to the nose holds true for Townsend's though it means a lot of Yellow-Pine Chipmunks are being mislabeled in google image searches.
I was out in my garden after I let my chickens in and seen some rabbit fur and realized it was a nest. Poked thru to look and seen a momma chipmunk and a baby. I closed it right away and kept saying I'm so sorry it's OK and hope all is good. So cute to see. I live in Granite Falls. Wish I could take a picture but don't want to disturb them anymore than I already have.
Excellent post! The information was very useful to me. I just returned from a backpacking trip to the Cascade Mountains and was sorting through my photos. Thanks to your article, I found I had two different species of chipmunks. Thank you!
I respect this article for the all around looked into substance and magnificent wording. I got so included in this material that I couldn't quit perusing. I am awed with your work and ability. Much thanks to you to such an extent.
I grew up in Western Washington. (Kitsap) We always had lots of chipmunks but now 50 years later, there aren't any around. We do see gray squirrels sometimes, not like regular WA squirrels! What is up with that?
I live in covington Washington state and I had one of these chipmunk 🐿️ squirrel looking critters jump in my bedroom window that was open and the phycotic little thing went haywire in my room. I put a trail of nuts out my door and the little reed didn't leave till next morning. It spent the night with me lol.
Live in Yelm,Wa.We have a pair of chipmunks in the backyard where the bird feeders are.We haven't had any in 20 years, we are so happy to see them.I like to know how to keep them here ?
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