Tuesday, July 8, 2014


With our very wet climate (favorable for terrestrial mollusks) and our relatively acid soils (not so favorable for forming snail shells), we furnish great habitat for slugs.

The ones most of us see are garden slugs (Arion ater). This slug, native to northern Europe, comes in two forms, a black and a reddish one. Long thought to be subspecies of one another, Arion ater ater and Arion ater rufus, they have recently been split as two separate species Arion ater and Arion rufus. Unfortunately for the field worker, both of them come in a great variety of colors and can only be distinguished by dissection or molecular analysis.

So we’ll just call them all garden slugs. They have proven to be very successful imports to our region but aren’t well liked by gardeners because of their predilection for garden plants. In fact, it’s the easiest thing in the world to go online to find out how to get rid of slugs. I am choosing to extol their virtues, perhaps the most important one just to familiarize people with slugs.

Our big native slug is the banana slug, Ariolimax columbianus. After a European species that grows to a foot (30 centimeters) in length, ours is the second largest in the world, reaching lengths of 25 centimeters. Four of these in a cup would weigh a pound! Rarely are such monsters seen, though; most that we encounter are in the range of 10-15 centimeters, just a bit larger than the much more familiar garden slugs.

But walk into a mature wet forest, and if it’s a moist day, you are likely to find lots of banana slugs. They come in a variety of colors, from white to plain yellow to heavily spotted with black. There must be some genetic differences among these color types, as often all the ones you see in one spot look about the same.

The big hole on the right side of these slugs is the pneumostome (breathing hole). An active slug shows two eyestalks above that detect light or movement and two tentacles below that are chemosensitive. They have mucous glands all over the body that keep them protected from dehydration and that can lay down a trail for easier locomotion.

Most slugs are herbivorous, feeding directly on plant tissue (garden slugs) or on detritus and mushrooms (banana slug). The leopard slug (Limax maximus), a large pale brown, black-spotted species that is also introduced in our region, feeds on other slugs as well as detritus and garden plants. In turn, garter snakes and ducks eat a lot of slugs, apparently able to combat the mucous that protects them from many other predators.

Slugs are hermaphrodites, both sexes present in the same animal, and when they mate each one contributes sperm to the other. The lack of separate sexes may make sense in slow-moving animals that might have trouble finding a mate. In this case, every slug encountered would be a potential mate, not every other one!

Dennis Paulson


  1. My husband found what I think is the black garden slug. My kids want to keep it as a pet. Do you think it would be okay to do that? If it is the garden slug do we just put veggies in the cage?

    1. Taking any animal from its natural habitat will likely do more harm than good. I suggest admiring slugs and all other wildlife in their preferred environments.

    2. Maybe your kids could take videos of the slugs eating or traveling around your garden? I have a couple of leopard slugs in my backyard that I watch every night. The only plants that they devour are my hostas which is okay with me.

  2. One night a slug died on my patio, the next night several slugs gathered around it and one laid on top of its injured body. Gradually the slugs departed, but the one who laid on the dead or dying slug stayed quite a long time. It looked like they were mourning, so I'm wondering if anyone has studied their social interactions? I've never seen anything like it.

    1. I watch a couple of leopard slugs every night that are always near each other. I swear they must be friends or siblings or mates.

    2. More than likely you observed a case of slug cannibalism which is known to occur.

  3. Not to be a killjoy, but some species of PNW slugs are predatory and/or scavengers. It is likely they were feeding.


    Third paragraph...

  4. hahaha mourning? no cannibalism. "taking out of natural habitat is a more harmful than good, admire them in their preferred environment." their preferred environment is my vegetables so i'll take a hard pass on the protetionism for them and say keep as a pet or do like me and feed them to your chickens as treats. :-D

  5. I grew up in Western Washington in the forest and didn't see the plain "banana" slugs here then, just the spotted "leopard" slugs 70 years ago. The plain ones are likely imports from the N California area.

  6. We had huge banana slugs on our property, as well as other slug species, as far back as I can remember, 51 years ago, and still finding them ( not purposely). Monroe/Index area.

  7. 🙂 it's always interesting to me that some people can't imagine that any creature not human has the ability to commune with their own like creature - their can be a middle space between BFF's and cannablism...& perhaps the best friend can end up prolonging the other's life by offering himself as food as the time to die approaches. It's worth a study.
