Dragonflies (including damselflies, both in the order
Odonata) are aquatic as larvae and terrestrial (and aerial) as adults. These
are very different environments, and organisms need different adaptations to be
successful in each one.
Dragonflies, like amphibians, have successfully colonized these two different environments. Some amphibians remain in water, and their immature and mature stages are very similar. Others undergo a dramatic metamorphosis when they move from water to land, for example tadpoles to frogs.
In dragonflies the changes are even more dramatic. A
dragonfly larva (nymph) is so different from an adult that you would never
think they were the same organism. Each is perfectly adapted to its
environment, but they must change radically to move from one to the other.
Most dragonfly larvae spend months, in some cases years, in
the water. Very tiny when they hatch from the egg, they begin feeding on other
small organisms immediately. With an inflexible exoskeleton, they have to molt
to grow, so they enlarge each time they shed their cuticle and grow a new one.
Each of these stages is called an instar. Larvae usually go through 10-12
instars before they are full size.
While in the last instar, they begin the amazing
transformation of metamorphosis. Within the larval body, tissues are
transformed from larval to adult tissues. All this happens while the larva continues
to move around, feed, and try to avoid being eaten by some other predator.
Finally, the change becomes such that the larva switches from aquatic to aerial
respiration. It cannot feed any more by that time, and it heads for a place to
emerge from the water.
The larva crawls up onto shore or onto a stem emerging from the water and begins its transformation. It anchors itself in place by its sharp claws. Soon a split appears in the cuticle of the thorax, and the adult within enlarges and begins to emerge. The thorax and then the head emerge, and the dragonfly rests in that position for some time, presumably waiting for muscles to firm up.
It then reaches forward and grabs its own skin or the stem
in front of it and pulls itself completely out of the larva (the cast skin is
called an exuvia). It is still more
or less the shape of the larva, but then it begins to enlarge still more while
still soft. First it pumps body fluids into the wings, which had been
accordioned into very small wing pads. The wings get bigger and bigger, finally
reaching full size.
Dennis Paulson